Terms of Service
Effective 28 August 2024
These Terms of Service ("Terms") and our Usage Policy (also referred to as our “Acceptable Use Policy” or “AUP”) set out the agreement between you and Lekt Software OÜ to use our products and services that we may offer for individuals, along with any associated apps, software, and websites (together, our “Services”). By agreeing to these Terms, or in the absence of such agreement, by using the Services, you agree to be bound by them, including any changes made to them in accordance with the Terms. Our affiliates, licensors, distributors, and service providers (collectively “Providers”) are not contracting parties under these Terms.
In these Terms, when we refer to “we”, “us” or “our,” or similar, we mean Lekt Software OÜ. Other words in bold and inverted commas have the meaning given to them where the word or phrase is first used. Subsequent uses of these words have the same meaning.


1.1. Use of Lekt AI by anyone under 13 years of age is prohibited. You represent that you are at least the age of majority in the jurisdiction where you live or, if you are not, your parent or legal guardian must consent to these Terms of Service and affirm that they accept these Terms on your behalf and bear responsibility for your use. Model outputs accessed via Lekt AI may produce content that is not suitable for minors. If you are accepting these Terms of Service on behalf of someone else or an entity, you confirm that you have the legal authority to bind that person or entity to these Terms.
1.2. To access our Services, we may ask you to create an account (your “Account”), to provide certain information (such as your email address). You agree to provide correct, current, and complete information and allow us to use it to communicate with you about our Services. You agree to notify us promptly if there are any changes to the information you have provided to us. Our communications to you using such information will satisfy any requirements for legal notices.
1.3. You can delete your account via the web interface.
1.4. You may not share your Account login information or Account credentials with anyone else or make your Account available to anyone else. You are responsible for all activity occurring under your Account and agree to notify us immediately if you become aware of any unauthorized access to your Account by sending an email to hello@lekt.ai.
1.5. In some cases, we may permit you to evaluate our Services for a limited time or with limited functionality. Use of our Services for evaluation purposes are for your personal, non-commercial use only.
1.6. You may need to accept additional terms to use certain Services. These additional terms will supplement our Terms for those Services and may change your rights or obligations for those Services, including your obligations to pay fees.
1.7. Our Services are innovative and subject to change. We may occasionally introduce or eliminate features, adjust capacity limits, roll out new Services, or discontinue existing ones. We reserve the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the Services or your access to them. If these actions significantly affect your use of the Services, we will strive to notify you as outlined in this section. This includes actions we deem necessary to tackle any issues related to security, performance, or trust and safety.
1.8. Any refunds for Subscriptions purchased via an App Distributor are subject to the App Distributor’s terms and not these Terms.
1.9. We may revise and update these Terms. For example, we may update these Terms (1) to reflect changes in our Services, like when we add or remove features or services, or update our pricing, (2) for security or legal reasons, or (3) to promote safety or prevent abuse.
1.10. We may also post supplemental terms. We may offer new Services or features that we believe require service-specific terms or guidelines. If you decide to use those new Services or features, you agree to comply with any applicable guidelines, rules, or supplemental terms that may be posted on the Services from time to time (“Supplemental Terms”). If these Terms conflict with Supplemental Terms, the Supplemental Terms will govern for the applicable Service.
1.11. You may stop accessing the Services at any time. We may suspend or terminate your access to the Services at any time without notice to you if:
  • 1.11.1. we believe that you have materially breached these Terms;
  • 1.11.2. we must do so in order to comply with applicable law; or
  • 1.11.3. immediate suspension or termination is necessary for security reasons and therefore we cannot provide notice.
1.12. We may also terminate your Account if you have been inactive for over a year and you do not have a paid Account.
1.13. If we terminate your access to the Services due to a material breach of these Terms and you have a Subscription:
  • 1.13.1. you will not be entitled to any refund; and
  • 1.13.2. we may take further legal action against you and you may be responsible for our losses in relation to the violation of these Terms.
1.14. If you have a Purchased Plan, we may terminate the Purchased Plan at any time by giving you immediate notice in writing (email is sufficient). If we exercise this right, we will refund you on a pro rata basis the fees paid by you for the unused words in your Monthly Plan at the time of termination.
1.15. Upon termination of these Terms, a Purchased Plan, or your access to the Services, the rights granted to you under our Terms (or any Subscription) to access and use our Services will immediately terminate, and we may at our option delete any Materials or other data associated with your account.
1.16. Severability. Each of the sections of these Terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful or unenforceable, the remaining sections will remain in full force and effect.
1.17. No assignment. These Terms may not be transferred or assigned by you without our prior written consent, but may be assigned by us without restriction.
1.18. Use of our brand. You may not, without our prior written permission, use our name, logos, or other trademarks in connection with products or services other than the Services, or in any other way that implies our affiliation, endorsement, or sponsorship. To seek permission, please email us at hello@lekt.ai.
1.19. Legal Compliance. We may comply with governmental, court, and law enforcement requests or requirements relating to provision or use of the Services, or to information provided to or collected under our Terms. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to report information from or about you, including but not limited to Prompts or Outputs, to law enforcement.

2. Acceptable use of Services

2.1. You may access and use our Services only in compliance with our Terms, our Acceptable Use Policy, and guidelines or supplemental terms we may post on the Services (the “Permitted Use”).
2.2. You may not access or use, or help another person to access or use, our Services in the following ways:
  • 2.2.1 In any manner that violates any applicable law or regulation—including, without limitation, any laws about exporting data or software to and from any countries in the European Economic Area, Switzerland, or other countries.
  • 2.2.2. To develop any products or services that compete with our Services, including to develop or train any artificial intelligence or machine learning algorithms or models.
  • 2.2.3. To decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, or otherwise reduce our Services to human-readable form, except when these restrictions are prohibited by applicable law.
  • 2.2.4. To crawl, scrape, or otherwise harvest data or information from our Services other than as permitted under these Terms.
  • 2.2.5. To use our Services or Materials to obtain unauthorized access to any system or information or to deceive any person.
  • 2.2.6. To infringe, misappropriate, or violate intellectual property or other legal rights (including the rights of publicity or privacy).
  • 2.2.7. Except when you are accessing our Services via a Lekt API Key or where we otherwise explicitly permit it, to access the Services through automated or non-human means, whether through a bot, script, or otherwise.
  • 2.2.8. To engage in any other conduct that restricts or inhibits any person from using or enjoying our Services, or that we reasonably consider exposes us—or any of our users, affiliates, or any other third party—to any liability, damages, or detriment of any type, including reputational harms.
  • 2.2.9. You must not abuse, harm, interfere with, or disrupt our Services, including, for example, introducing viruses or malware, spamming or DDoSing Services, or bypassing any of our systems or protective measures.
3.Prompts, Outputs, and Materials

3.1. You may be allowed to submit text, documents, or other materials to our Services for processing (we call these “Prompts”). Our Services may generate responses based on your Prompts (we call these “Outputs”). Prompts and Outputs collectively are “Materials.”
3.2. Rights to Materials. You are responsible for all Prompts you submit to our Services. You must ensure that you have all rights, licenses, and permissions that are necessary for us to process such Prompts in accordance with our Terms. You must ensure that your submission of Prompts to us will not violate our Terms, our Acceptable Use Policy, or any laws or regulations applicable to those Prompts. As between you and Lekt AI, and to the extent permitted by applicable law, you retain any right, title, and interest that you have in such Prompts. Subject to your compliance with our Terms, we assign to you all our right, title, and interest (if any) in Outputs.
3.3. Reliance on Outputs. Artificial intelligence and large language models are frontier technologies that are still improving in accuracy, reliability and safety. When you use our Services, you acknowledge and agree:
  • 3.3.1. Outputs may not always be accurate and may contain material inaccuracies even if they appear accurate because of their level of detail or specificity.
  • 3.3.2. You should not rely on any Outputs without independently confirming their accuracy.
  • 3.3.3. The Services and any Outputs may not reflect correct, current, or complete information.
  • 3.3.4. Outputs may contain content that is inconsistent with Lekt AI team’s views.
3.4. Our use of Materials. We may use Materials to provide, maintain, and improve the Services and to develop other products and services. We will not train our models on any Materials that are not publicly available, except in two circumstances:
  • 3.4.1. If you provide Feedback to us (through the Services or otherwise) regarding any Materials, we may store and use the related conversation as part of your Feedback. You have no obligation to give us Feedback, but if you do, you agree that we may use the Feedback however we choose without any obligation or other payment to you.
  • 3.4.2. If your Materials are flagged for trust and safety review, we may use or analyze those Materials to improve our ability to detect and enforce Acceptable Use Policy violations, including training models.
3.4.3. Limitations. Different types of Service (including paid-for Services under a Paid Plan or Subscription) may have technical restrictions associated with them, for example, the number of Prompts you may submit to the Service or the number of Outputs you may receive within a certain period of time (“Technical Limitation”). For more information about the Technical Limitations for each type of Service offering, see the relevant purchase page on our website.
4.Usage and payment

4.1. You are able to purchase access to certain features and functionalities within Lekt AI (the “Benefits”). The exact nature of the Benefits will be made clear to you before purchase. You can manage your paid subscription from your account settings.
4.2. Fees: All charges, including subscription fees, will be made clear to you before purchase.
4.3. Billing. If you sign-up for a paid subscription or paid plan auto-renewal or purchase any Services, you will provide complete and accurate billing information, including a valid payment method. For paid subscriptions and paid plan auto-renewal, we will automatically charge your payment method on each agreed-upon periodic renewal until you cancel. If your payment cannot be completed, we may downgrade your account or suspend your access to our Services until payment is received.
4.4. The paid plans upon purchase and activation give you access to certain features for a limited time and within a certain amount of credits (“words”):
  • 4.4.1. “Words” are not legal tender or currency; are not redeemable, refundable, or exchangeable for any sum of money or monetary value; have no equivalent value in fiat currency; do not act as a substitute for fiat currency; and do not constitute or confer upon you any personal property right. Service Credits are non-transferable and may be used only in connection with the applicable Service.
  • 4.4.2. “Words” are a way to measure and limit usage of the Service.
  • 4.4.3. The usage of “words” is calculated the following way:
  • For text, each “word” is a substring of the text, beginning or ending by a space or a line break. To prevent abuse by processing text without spaces and line breaks, “words” are also limited to 20 characters in length, meaning that “words” longer than 20 characters will be divided into multiple chunks of up to 20 characters each. For example, a word that has length of 43 characters would be counted as three words (of 20, 20 and 3 characters long);
  • “Words” are used for sending text to a model (“Input text”), receiving text from a model (“Output text”) and for processing of relevant conversation context (“Context text”) by the model. Context text is a history of previous messages sent to/received from models and is required for a model to understand the context of a conversation.
  • Some text models have word usage multipliers. In such cases, actual usage of “words” is counted as sum of “words” in input text, output text and context text and multiplied by a factor specific to the model selected.
  • Some features may have a fixed “cost” of “words”, and, optionally, may also use “words” for provided, generated or processed text as a part of that feature.
  • Calculation of usage of “words” is done by automated means and may have a margin of error no more than twenty (2) percent of the total number of “words” used by a single use of feature/operation.
  • Word usage of specific features is displayed in the graphical user interface of the Service, and is also provided in our pricing details table.

Some of our Services allow you to purchase paid plans and subscriptions to benefit from enhanced features and functionalities (the “Benefits”). The exact nature of the Benefits differs between Services and will be made clear to you before purchase. You can manage your paid subscription or auto-renewal from your account settings.
5. Responsibilities, Disclaimers and Ownership

5.1. Our Services might involve or be associated with third-party content, services, or integrations. We neither oversee nor assume liability for any loss or damage resulting from your use of such third-party content, services, and integrations, and we offer no guarantees or warranties regarding them. Utilizing any third-party content, services, and integrations is entirely at your own risk and is governed by the respective terms, conditions, or policies (including privacy policies) that apply to such third-party content, services, and integrations.
5.2. We may provide either manual or automated updates to our software, including our apps (referred to as 'Lekt AI Software'), without prior notice to you. These updates may contain open-source software. In case of any inconsistency between these Terms and any other terms from Lekt Software OÜ or third-party terms that apply to any part of the Lekt AI Software, such as open-source license terms, the other terms will prevail for that specific portion of the Lekt AI Software and to the extent of the inconsistency.
5.3. The Services are owned, operated, and provided by us and, where applicable, our Providers. We and our Providers retain all our respective rights, title, and interest, including intellectual property rights, in and to the Services. Other than the rights of access and use expressly granted in our Terms, our Terms do not grant you any right, title, or interest in or to our Services.
5.4. No warranties. You may have certain legal rights regarding our Services, particularly if the Services do not match their description, are defective, or are otherwise unsuitable for their intended use. Should you believe that any Services you have ordered are not in compliance with these Terms, please reach out to us at hello@lekt.ai. Aside from these legal rights, the use of the Services and Materials is entirely at your own risk. The Services and Outputs are provided 'as is' and 'as available' and, to the fullest extent allowed by applicable law, are offered without any warranties of any kind, whether express, implied, or statutory. We and our Providers explicitly disclaim all warranties of fitness for a specific purpose, title, merchantability, accuracy, availability, reliability, security, privacy, compatibility, non-infringement, as well as any warranty implied by dealings, performance history, or trade practices.
5.5.We are not responsible for any loss, damage or harm resulting from using the service. Outputs by the AI models that our service provides may include incorrect or incomplete information and should not be relied on for any activity that can have significant consequences. The models’ output should not be treated as medical, financial or legal advice. The provided AI models do not substitute professional experts, scientific or professional literature or official sources of information. Any information provided by AI models should be treated as an opinion, not as a fact or direct call to action.
5.6. You agree that we have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.
5.7. Your rights. Nothing in these Terms affects your statutory rights and we are under a legal duty to provide you with Services that are in conformity with the terms applying to our Services. Advice about your statutory rights is available from your local Citizens’ Information Board (or local equivalent, if applicable).
5.8. Limitation of liability. Our total liability to you for any loss or damage arising out of or in connection with these Terms, whether in contract (including under any indemnity), tort (including negligence) or otherwise will be limited to the greater of: (a) the amount you paid to us for access to or use of the Services in the six months prior to the event giving rise to the liability, and (b) €100.
In case of disputes

Governing Law and Jurisdiction. These Terms are governed by Estonian law. This means that your access to and use of our Services, and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection therewith (including non-contractual disputes or claims) will be governed by Estonian law, and must be brought in a competent court in Estonia. However, if you are a consumer within the European Economic Area or Switzerland, you may also file legal disputes in your local courts, based on your local laws.

If you are resident in the European Economic Area and wish to have more information on online dispute resolution, please follow this link to the website of the European Commission: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. This link is provided as required by Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, for information purposes only. We are not obliged to participate in online dispute resolution.

Contacting us
Should you have any reasons for a complaint, we will endeavour to resolve the issue and avoid any re-occurrence in the future. You can always contact us by using the following details:
Address: Veskiposti tn 2-1002, Tallinn, Estonia
Email address: hello@lekt.ai